New Fishing Focus – Custom Fishing Lures

When it comes to fishing I’m always looking for something new to call my own and do something that no one else is doing. I’m always looking for an edge and something innovative as well. In today’s fishing world the big-time pros are going to be the ones who get their hands on the latest and greatest the fishing community has to offer. The one untouched and sometimes unnoticed part of the fishing world is the custom world. Custom molded, poured, painted, shaped, or carved, the custom fishing world is where the average guy will find something new the fish in your area have yet to see or anyone else for that matter. You also have a higher chance at calling a new technique from a custom lure your own as well.

Starting in 2018, I’m going to start focusing on custom lures created by fellow anglers. Why, simple, it puts money into the hands of people like me. After starting to use big custom swimbaits, you really get better quality and craftsmanship. These lures are usually tested for quality and sometimes swimabilty before being sent out. You are not going to get that from a large manufacturer of lures. Does Rapala still hand tune and test each bait? Guess I should find out.

I’m also going to put up a page dedicated to the custom lures that I have discovered and tried as well, so you can have the same as me! Here is the link to the page

So what custom lures do you make or recommend for me to try! Comment below!

Semper Fish!

Joe, The National Angler