Bass Pro Summertime Drop Shot Fishing: The Best Way to Catch Fish When It’s Hot Out! – Featuring Clark Wendlandt and Kevin VanDam
When the summer sun is beating down, and the fish are hiding in the depths, a drop shot is the best way to catch them. This technique involves suspending your bait in the water column, often near the bottom, and jigging it up and down to attract attention. Drop shot is an effective way to catch fish of all sizes, from sunfish to bass, and can be done from a boat or the shore. So, whether you’re looking to beat the heat or want to up your fishing game, give the drop shot a try. You might be surprised at how many fish you catch.
It’s no secret that the summer months can be brutal on anglers. The heat drives fish into deep, cool water; longer days mean more time spent in the sun frying like a strip of bacon. But don’t despair, there is a way to keep catching fish even when it’s hot out and that’s with the drop shot rig.
Also known as the down shot, this rig is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of situations to catch fish when they’re being difficult. So if you’re looking for a way to keep catching fish all summer long, read on for everything you need to know about drop shot fishing.
A drop shot rig is a fishing rig that consists of a weighted hook that is attached to the line below a swivel. This setup allows the bait to be presented horizontally in the water column, which is key for enticing finicky fish to bite.
There are a few different ways to rig a drop shot, but the most common is to tie the dropper line (the line that goes from the swivel to the hook) to the main line using a Palomar knot. This solid knot ensures that your rig won’t come undone even when battling big fish.
Once the rig is tied, it’s simply a matter of attaching your bait of choice to the hook and casting it out. The weight of the hook will ensure that your bait stays in the strike zone even if you’re fishing in deep water or currents.
Now that you know how to rig a drop shot, it’s time to learn how to fish it. These tips will help you get the most out of your drop shot rig and catch more fish all summer long.
1. Use the Right Bait
The beauty of the drop shot rig is that it can be used with various baits, from live bait to plastic worms. But for summertime fishing, plastic baits are usually the best bet.
Small plastic worms and grubs are great options for drop shot, as they offer a small profile that won’t scare off finicky fish. Another great option is a plastic minnow bait, which can effectively target summertime bass.
2. Let the Bait Do the Work
One of the biggest mistakes anglers make when drop shot is using too much weight. Because the rig is designed to keep your bait in the strike zone, you don’t need a lot of weight to get it down deep.
In most cases, a 1/8 ounce weight will be more than enough to get your bait down to the fish. And if you’re fishing in deep water or strong currents, you may even be able to get away with using a lighter weight.
3. Vary Your Retrieves
Another common mistake anglers make when dropping shots is using the same retrieve repeatedly. This can be a big mistake, as fish often get conditioned to seeing the same thing repeatedly.
To avoid this, it is essential to vary your retrieves and keep the fish guessing. Sometimes a slow, steady retrieve is all it takes to trigger a strike, while a quick jerk of the rod is necessary other times. It’s about trial and error and finding what works best in each situation.
4. Be Patient
Finally, it’s important to remember that drop shot is a finesse technique that requires patience and perseverance. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get bit right away, as the fish will eventually start biting if you give them time.
So next time you’re struggling to catch fish in the summer heat, give drop shot a try. With a bit of practice, you’ll be drop-shotting like a pro in no time!
Don’t Overdue It.
Do not overwork your bait in an attempt to attract fish. Shaking the bait makes it appear like it is having a seizure, which will scare away potential catches. Instead, keep your rod still and let subtle movements in your arm or hand create a natural undulation. If you are fishing from a boat, the waves also provide movement. If you want to add more action to the bait, gently shake the slack in the line instead of the lure itself.
Don’t Be So Tight.
The second skill for successful drop shot is keeping your line slightly bowed at all times. This allows the hook and lure to move freely, giving it a natural appearance that fish are more likely to bite. If your line is kept too straight, the lure will appear stiff and unnatural, making it less likely to attract bites.
Become One With The Bait.
Knowing what your bait looks like underwater is important to give it the right action. Use a fish tank, bathtub, or swimming pool to observe the bait and see what type of action it needs. The more you understand your equipment, the better your fishing decisions will be.
If You Have Electronics, Use Them.
To be successful at drop shot fishing during the summertime, it is vital to become familiar with your Electronics. This will allow you to locate fish when it is hot out better. With practice, this skill can make all the difference in winning or losing a competition.
Bass Pro Shops is the place to go if you’re looking for the best gear for drop-shot fishing. They offer a wide variety of lures and weights to choose from, so you can find the perfect setup for your fishing conditions. They also have a great selection of electronics to help you locate fish in the summer heat. So next time you’re looking to up your drop shot game, head to Bass Pro Shops.